Inculcating Scientific Temper Among Students
Scientific Temper is an attitude of logical thinking which should be a part of our daily life. It should be inculcated in school students which may ignite their mind to take rational decisions, which will help them to develop a good attitude and personality. It just involves questioning, observation, testing, hypothesizing, analyzing, concluding and communicating. Teachers play a crucial role in inculcating Scientific Temper among students in many ways. The Mentors and Teachers help the students to develop a sense of curiosity, questioning, reasoning and rational thinking which may lead them to have open mindedness and remove blind faith or worship. Teachers should foster Scientific Temper with a “Discovery Approach” through series of Science experiments and demonstrations involving the students. Students should be encouraged to do “Hands On” experiments rather “Hands Tied “ ones!
At present Chalk and Talk method of teaching is no more attractive for the students. We need to set up a strong infrastructure with Hi Tech labs, Audio Visuals compatible to modern technology. The teachers should have well trained to handle this type of teaching. A positive interaction and good communication skills is a must among teachers and students. Schools must make mandatory for the students to visit reputed Scientific institutions, attend science seminars and interact with the experts there for a updated knowledge. Also the experts in various science disciplines may be invited to schools for seminars and inter actions. Students must be encouraged to participate in making Science Models and Projects, Debates, Quiz, Science Congress etc. This approach may surely improve their Scientific Temper. Library period in schools must be made compulsory for all classes from primary onwards for a good Science Literature Survey project. School Authorities must emphasis on celebrating Scientific Temper Day which falls on 20th. August every year.
Annual Science Education Tour, visit to National Science Museums, Planetariums, Flora and Fauna Parks, etc. should be encouraged and will be a value addition for the students for a better exposure. Teachers should sensitize the students in updating the development in the fields of Ecology, Environment, Space Science, Health, Nutrition, Agriculture, Bio Technology, Hydrology, Astronomy, Mathematical and Statistical Models, Nuclear Science, and not the least Science Journalism for better awareness. No doubt Teachers are the Role Models to Students to Ignite Scientific Temper in their minds and groom them as future Nobel Laureates of India.
K. K. Nathan
Principal Scientist ( Retired)
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi